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Dental Implant Procedure Hanover, MD

Many patients experience anxiety over the dental implant procedure because they do not know what to expect. Our trained dental implant specialists at Elevate Dental Implant Center in Hanover, Maryland are happy to answer any questions about your upcoming procedure.

We’ve reviewed the basic timeline patients can expect to help our patients feel more confident about the dental implant procedure.

Dental implants procedure in Hanover Maryland

What To Expect During the Dental Implant Procedure

Deciding on Dental Implants

Before any procedure, we have a consultation with our patients. We want to ensure that the dental implant process is your best choice. The dentist will do a thorough oral health exam and take digital impressions. Ensuring you have the proper bone structure to support a dental implant is important. We’ll discuss procedures like a dental bone graft if you don’t have the proper bone density. We perform that procedure if you need a bone graft, which must heal properly before the dental implant.

Pre-Surgery Process

Once your dentist determines that you can receive a dental implant, your dentist will begin by taking dental impressions and X-rays. We will ensure proper planning for the implant procedure. Extensive imagery and planning allow us to give you the best possible outcome. The dentist will discuss placement and show you where the implant posts will be in your mouth.

In some instances, tooth extractions are necessary to make space for the implant. Broken or decayed teeth need to be removed to move forward. If you get a tooth extraction, the area has to heal completely before we can proceed with the surgical implantation process. If you have gum disease or other oral health problems, we’ll treat these before the implant surgery.

We want your surgical process to be comfortable and pain-free. Before surgery, we’ll discuss your sedation dentistry options. We offer multiple levels of sedation, from laughing gas to general anesthesia. We consider your anxiety about the procedure, length, and number of implants placed. You’ll remain relaxed and comfortable for the entire duration of the procedure.

Dental Implant Surgery

To start surgery, we administer sedation and fully numb the implant site. Once we prepare the site, we make a small incision in the gum’s soft tissue. This gives us access to the tooth socket and allows us to place the titanium post in your jawbone. Once the implant posts are placed, the surgical portion is over. We wake you up from sedation, and you’re on your way to recovery.

Healing and Completion

The titanium post takes about 3-6 months to heal and fully fuse with your jawbone. We’ll monitor the area and ensure that everything is healing properly. Once healing is complete, we can attach an abutment to the post. The abutment is necessary to connect the implant post with the final restoration. After placing the abutment, your soft tissues require a shorter healing time before we can place the final restoration.

Each restoration is different. It depends on the number of teeth we’re replacing. You can get a custom dental crown, bridge, or denture. We make the restoration custom for your smile. The false teeth match the color, size, and shape of the rest of the teeth in your mouth. This makes the restoration look natural. No one can tell that it’s an implant instead of your natural tooth!

dental implants process infographic

Frequently Asked Questions

The dental implant process is something many people have questions about. Learn more by reading the answers to the frequently asked questions.

Will I be under general anesthesia for my dental implant procedure?

Yes, we will offer several anesthesia options depending on the number of dental implants needed. Because most of our patients will utilize some anesthesia for pain management, we do not recommend driving after your surgery. You may experience dizziness or fatigue for several hours after your appointment. We suggest asking a family member or friend to assist you by driving you to and from the office on the day of your procedure.

How long does it take to heal from a dental implant procedure?

The average healing time is six months. While the healing process for dental implants can take up to six months, the lifelong benefits of restoring your smile with dental implants are worth the wait. Our doctors will provide you with pre-surgery and post-surgery instructions. We encourage you to follow these instructions carefully to ensure a smooth dental implant procedure.

What to know before getting dental implants?

Before getting dental implants, it is important to know that the procedure may take months to adjust. Implants are the best option for patients who want a dental restoration that matches the appearance and functions of their natural teeth.

Does food get under dental implants?

Your dentist cements the dental implant cap to prevent food from getting stuck underneath. Your dentist may have incorrectly placed the dental implant if you are finding food under there. Call our office if you have these issues so we can adjust your dental implants.

Can your mouth reject an implant?

Your body can reject a dental implant. However, it is extremely rare. This occurs in less than 2% of patients, so in most cases, implants adapt well and are a long-lasting replacement for tooth replacement.

How can I make my dental implant heal faster?

Resting and staying hydrated is the best way to make your dental implant heal faster. We also recommend rinsing with saltwater after your procedure and refraining from smoking to help your mouth heal faster.

Schedule A Dental Exam & Consultation

We perform your entire dental implant procedure, from start to finish, all under one roof at our dental practice. Our team of dental implant experts is here to help you remain calm and comfortable at every stage of your dental restoration journey. To replace a missing tooth, schedule an appointment with your local Hanover, Maryland dental implant specialists today.